Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I ain't making this up. At the Hunting Island Light House, I put down my Elvis sandwich so I could go to the johnny & upon return there were three delighted crows on a limb overhead and no sandwich. And to think, they had no idea that mayo, peanut butter & banana had such historic, rock 'n roll significance. I threw a pinecone and yelled up at the crows, "You think you're special, but you ain't! Elvis grilled his in butter!
Hunting Island Park is a very groovy spot, though the ocean is rapidly encroaching...1,500 ft. in the past 10 years according to a volunteer at the lighthouse. Some of the older timers who've been camping here for years pointed out where there were once dunes & as some of the photos will attest, they're gone. Shore-line trees are dying on a wholesale basis. Oh well...once again the old truism rings loud and clear: Nature Always Has The Last Word. I'm reminded of something Carl Sagan once said: (paraphrased) "If all humans were instantaneously removed from planet Earth, it would revert/heal itself in fifty years...would be its old pristine self." This seems a bit of a stretch, Carl. You're telling me the golden arches, Sam's Club, Trump Towers, et al, would replaced by kudzu?
I'm having my 70th Birthday March 16 and here's hoping I turn into kudzu while the Visa bill is cranked up and overdue. That'll show 'em.

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