Friday, May 27, 2016

Eat Steak, Wear Fur, Carry a Gun

5/27 This was on a billboard as we entered South Dakota. But first, back to the CORN scourge that has overtaken Ohio, Ill., Indiana, Kansas & a good bit of South Dakota: according to Google (so it must be right) consumption of corn goes sort of like this: 33% livestock food, 40% ethanol, 13% exported & what's left, human consumption. What the hell's this all about!!?? From all reports, ethanol is a foolhardy, nasty, waste. And with half the world starving, growing corn to fuel (inefficiently) U.S. SUV's don't look too cool. Huh?
Bustd our chops today & drove 5.5 hours on a straight, good, interstate running for as far as the eye could see. Set up camp at Belvidere East KOA, Midland,SD. Good digs. (I.T. Meltdown.
Gotta go.) Later......

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