Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania & Misc. other Stuff

     On the Interstates. Whoa unto us. Tks. to Dwight Eisenhower's Interstate Roads Program, for the most part, they get from point "A" to point "B" quicker than the red roads. Seems like we take the red roads to a destination and the Interstates home.  Humm....
     Last night, in N.Y. KOA, way the hell down many, many twisted, "Blind Curve" roads--- my horror being a  dead end road with no place to turn a trailer around. This is the firery pit for a trailer'er. But there it was. And there was a  hardy, 18 year old Croatian fellow with a chain saw, cutting a stump next to our site. Having driven 4 hrs., I wanted to rest a bit, have a suds, and chill. It had a happy ending... and it led to our meeting the 
owner of this, and other  
 KOA's, a ranch..homes here and there...the whole works. BUT he was dying, and addicted to morphine. A  handsome, charming, 49 yr. old fellow with a beautful wfe and children. It all stems from three, simultaneously ruptured discs in his spin, which led to a wire mesh around the discs, through-bolted with ss bolts. The morphine (doctor's orders) has rendered his colon disfunctional. The upshot is that he's dying & he's trying to fathom what this is all about.  Alas......
    At KOA, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Going to see what this is all about. Both Ann and I having kin who fought in the Civil War. We were a couple of hrs. away, and couldn't pass it by.
    My Great Aunt Jenny B. Crane, who lost her fiance during the siege of Richmond and intentionally remained a widow, thereafter put it, "I was 18 years old before I learned that damn Yankee was two words,"
     I'm going to try to put a bunch of non-published  photos from Acadia and assorted other sites during early stages of trek home.


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