Friday, October 28, 2011 always, having fun ain't fun all the time. We're BEAT, but still managing to laugh a good bit. Drifted off last PM and missed the last of the Series....maybe the best 4 or 5 innings in baseball history. More beat today but sipping coffee to get jacked up for game 7. Did jumping jacks in the motel pool & par-boiled in the jacuzzi (had to ask Ann how to spell this) & feeling pretty chipper. Oh yeah...about the EGG: Picked it up this AM from the genius dude who designed and builds them. He also designs, builds and flies speedy airplanes. He looks a lot like the fellow with the hair in Back To The Future. Great guy & super goober. Gave us a 2 hr. orientation. Ann paid attention; I was spaced out & in la-la land over the whole adventure. Half way through the orientation the office lady said one of our checks was no good because the cretin at our bank failed to sign it. Lots of shucking and jiving/confusion over the wire transfer number at the local Mich. bank. ( They're loading banks with teenager clerks 'cause they come cheaper than tenured bankers they've laid off so as not to pay their pensions.) all eventually sorted itself out & we got the title. The upshot is we've got the EGG, we like her a lot & we're blasting off tomorrow on secondary roads & heading south for more temperate degrees. Must get my head right about hauling a trailer. This is simplified by the fact that I can't see if anyone is behind me or not, so why worry about something you can't see, huh? Plan to spend night one in Indiana. Hope to see Dan Quale Check out the goofy photos.

More later........

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