Reflecting on the trip to the Great Lakes, several dynamics come to mind: (1) It gets dark later at this latitude---say 9:30-10:00 pm & dawn occurs sooner than expected. (2) Michiganders go into a frenzy to get out of doors following 6 or more months of snow & overcast days. The states parks are overflowing with campers and children having a jolly good time. Folks seem pretty dern happy and it's a beautiful thing. (3) The flora is exceedingly lush. Lots of photosynthesis (thank goodness) and lots of wildflowers. (4) The upshot is that everything----the people & the flora----- seem in a panic to make up for lost time---to spring into life quickly and gloriously. (5) The five Great Lakes constitute 1/5. 20% of all water on earth! Hence, it's impossible to get you head around the massiveness of this water! And to think, millions of poor souls in Africa have no water & no food.
Having spent 12 months recovering from broken bones and sundry other medical maladies, we simply had to leap off the medical conveyor belt. I'm thinking this trip filled the bill. It'll be hot as a $2 pistol in Charlotte, but it'll be home, nonetheless.
Incidentally Sleepy Hollow Camp Grounds got its name from the benefactor who donated the land. His name was I.B. Crane, as per Ichabod Crane in the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Ain't that a hoot?
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