Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sedona-Flagstaff-Grand Canyon

   Sedona to Flagstaff via 89 was another breath-taking event:  skinny road with patches of black ice from an overnight light snow; serious switchbacks, overhanging rocks on the right side, causing me to go left over the double yellow line so as not to crack the EGG ; steep, steep grades requiring second gear--a first in +-20K miles of EGGing.  There's only one photo of this trek. There  were no places to pull off. Had lunch in Flagstaff with Carlton Shepherd, pal & outstanding artist.
   April 3-6:  And then there was the exceedingly GRAND CANYON!!!  Took two  long hikes along the southern rim. Hopefully, the photos will speak for themselves. 
   Sensory overload is a bit of a cliche', but this is what this far-western trek has been all about.  You simply have to see it to understand.  e.g., every view of the Grand Canyon tops the one before it and the same vista is always in transition as the day passes, the light pales, clouds move before the sun and maybe tufts of fog move down a cut in the canyon maybe a couple of miles away. 
    I'm looking out the EGG's window and watching a flock of ravens devour an absent, fellow camper's loaf of bread and bag of corn chips. We're in a national pk. campground with no hookups (elec., h20, sewer),so we're running the Honda generator per an allotted, short time  AM & PM,only.  We're at 7500' ; it's v. cold at night & with no elec. hookup there's no heat other than the allotted time periods for the generator, but we've got the "hot Swede" alcohol heater!!!!  The "hot Swede"  requires constant vigilance--not due to her randy nature, but due to her fire hazard.  You fire up the Swede, make strong tea on the portable, butane burner & before you know it  you're almost comfortable,  Ann's recovering from a sinus infection requiring a visit to an urgent care. I'm wearing "antique" clothes in dire need of some Tide & a washing machine. We may hit a KOA--more cost but better Maytags.

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