Thursday, March 13, 2014

Humbug Hamburg

   Planned on staying night one at Hamburg St, Pk., Ga., where we'd stayed en route to Big Bend Nat. Pk. down on the Mex. Border in West Tex., but "...the best laid plans..." being what they are, Hamburg was closed due to budget cuts, so we ended up at AH Anderson St. Pk., Ga. It seems that Ole AH was the VP of the Confederacy & still held in high esteem. 
   The setting was amongst huge loblolly pines with pine straw all about and the wind piping up, what with the high pressure settling in and tall, tall pines swayed with differing tempos and their green needles purred with the wind and we needed some alcohol and it was getting cold and well in to dusk so we went to the EGG, stepped inside, closed the hatch and turned on the heater. All night the pines purred. Ann said it sounded like a gentle ocean surf at night. I agreed.

3/13/14--day 2
   Burrr.....This AM it was 32 and our little heater wasn't up to the task so we wore jackets, stayed in bed and drank hot tea. Then the stark edge of the morning sun sun came through the east windows and helped the heater along the heater and we had oatmeal with raisins, bacon, eggs and more tea then packed up the H20 hose the elec. hookup and got underway.  We're just now in Warm Springs, Ga., at FDR St. Park. More later.  I'm outside at a concrete picnic table, it's 6PM, the sun is slipping behind the the ridge and I'm shivering, so it off to the EGG..... 

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