Monday, November 14, 2011


Rendezvoused with an old artist pal who lives in Carencro, & spent the night in the EGG in his front yard. He directed us to exit # 6, but it was exit #4, where we were to meet him at McDonalds. I roared in and ran over a tall, ca-thump, but apparently did no damage to the EGG. I'm always thinking of Humpty Dumpty's fate. Anyhow.....we had cheap steaks, red potatoes and salad, then talked and laughed. Jimbo, the pal, is an exceedingly talented, artist, (painting, sculpture, ) & and a mind-blowing furniture maker, And......he's broke, but anticipating a windfall, like us all.
Oh yeah, about the gambling in Biloxi to pay for the EGG, the trip, etc.: It's off. Ann keeps quoting he odds & Jimbo had finite mate with game theory in college, so it was two against one & blackjack in Biloxi got nixed. I'll just have to do it on my own; maybe with a pal in Florida who chronically plays the lottery. I'm reminded of two guys I overheard in a convenience store; One was buying...maybe a dozen lottery tickets while the other one was giving him a hard time.
The buying dude very indignantly says, "You can't win if you don't play.
"You can't win if you DO play," replied the other dude, then slapped his buddy on the back.
Everybody at the counter laughed.

Jimbo's pad is tiny and there is no door on his bathroom, which is just off the kitchen. Hence, Ann & I split early this AM as graciously as possible, and after a couple of cups of java. Went a good distance today, beginning in Carencro, La., and ending up at a wonderful state park close to Meridian, Miss. North on I-59 through Miss. was like a dream. Smooth road surface, neat, close cropped grass & slightly rolling hills covered mostly with pines, with what looked like pristine lakes & streams along the way.
The state park is called Clarkco State Pk. There are only a handful of campers...a few jumbo trailers & a couple of tent camping gals adjacent to us who've been her for 2 mos. Very friendly, with 5 cats. I want to get to know them a see what their story is. They say since they're handicapped the fee is $300 per mo. Cheap, but not that cheap is you're down and out. We'll see...

We have water, electric power for the EGG and we're very close to the bathroom, which has a door. Who could ask for more?
The lake looks like a good fishing hole. I'll ck it out tomorrow AM. Maybe we'll stay a couple of days....
We have no alcohol & it's a dry county with scads of churches. Don't anticipate "Jones-in", but we'll drink a lot of Sleepytime Tea to ward off any possibility.

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