(or, read my shorts)
Fear and Loathing--The Wake Lives
Thinking the wake was dead, we'd thrown in the crates, hooked up the EGG, and were about to head home. Then low and behold, we learned early this AM that the "kerflufflette" had sorted things out, somewhat, and the wake lives!!! She's heading up this ashes- spreading confab and she said on her phone she's en route to Hunting Island,SC where she's AIRBNB'ed a house for us near-do-wells, and where our dear, dear friend is to have her ashes spread.
I can't imagine how it's going to go down. Again....I'm guessing the dead lady---a sweet, kind, saint sort of a person---is watching and chuckling. More about this in the next blog.
I've attached a couple of Low Kuntry photos. Glad we're too early for mosquitos and noseeums. That's why they call it the Low Kuntry--'cause when it heats up and the bugs get holt of ya, you be feeling mighty Low.